Boxing Mats

Маты ППЭ для боксерского ринга

1 025 rub.
НДС 20% на сумму 171 rub. включен в стоимость
Prepayment 100%. State order 30/70% (price + 5%) or postpay (price + 10%)
Production time: (10-15 раб. дн.)
The price is valid only in stock
( г. Магнитогорск, Челябинская обл. )

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PPE mats for Boxing ring. The size of 2x1 m, thickness 2 cm. How many mats will you need? - for a floor ring with the size of the combat zone, for example, 5x5 m, you will need mats with a total area of 6x6 m. Thus, one meter should be added to the combat zone and calculated from the calculation of the size of the Mat 2x1 m (2 m2); - for a ring on a platform-everything is simpler, count the number of mats by the size of the platform The density of PPE mats is 180-200 kg m3 (an important parameter). These are expensive and high-quality mats that will not SAG, the foot will not stamp.

Letters of recommendation

  • Отзыв про комплексную поставку оборудования ADEGMA. Анастасия Предеина - основатель школы РЕКОРД
  • Павел Степашин - главный тренер и один из создателей клуба Johnny D о ринге BORKOVER
PPE mats for Boxing ring
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