
Budo mats are also known as tatami the dovetail or dodyang mats
For taekwando, karate, single fights and gymnastics.

Budo mats buy
Budo mats price
Special edgings allow to make the edges of the laid carpet very straight
Mat thickness
Budo mats price
Our products are certified by (ГОСТ Р) the Russian Standarts of Quality (look at the Certificate)
The quality management system
The International association of the sport goods manufactures
Made in Russia with love to the sport
Standart and popular colors
Budo mats with the thickness of 14 mm are one-side and one-color. The thickness of 20, 25 and 40 mm are two-colors, two-sides, both sides have the same stamping and are good for the sports.
Texture for 14, 20, 25 mm
Netting of premium quality - the surface for budo mats with the thickness of 14, 20 and 25 mm
Texture for 40 mm
The rice straws that meet the requirements of sports federations for 40 mm thickness budo mats
Tatami the dovetail Russia
Has no smell
has no poisoning chemical smell as Chinese or Russian samples made of cheap raw material
Tatami the dovetail buy
Not slippery
many Russian and Chinese Budo-mats are made of materials that are slippery
Budo mats 20 mm
Do not crumble
produced on Italian equipment with the addition of high quality additives
Budo mats 40 mm
Do not break
we use expensive elastic materials, so the attachment tails do not break out
Budo mats manufacturing
EVA (ethylene vinyl Acetate)- the budo mats material
Expensive and high-quality. Does not shrink. It doesn't smell. Does not crumble. It does not absorb liquids and prevents the growth of fungi and bacteria.
Tatami the dovetail buy
on budo mats and
modular floor — 1 year
service life of more than 10 years
Будо-маты 20мм
according to the European quality standards, A - high, B-good C-low, D-illiquid

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Photo gallery of BORKOVER® budo mats

Do not trust the words about the quality. Order our samples

Образцы будо-матов

Read the feedbacks about BORKOVER® budo mats

Watch the video feedback about BORKOVER® budo mats feedback

  • Igor Tsarev-master of sports in judo
  • Ilya Korobkov-General Director
  • Paliga Irina Vladimirovna
  • Feedback on the complex supply of ADEGMA equipment. Anastasia Predeina - Founder of the RECORD School
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Prepayment 100% State purchases 30 / 70%
Delivery across Russia to the EAEU and EU countries