

Company details ADEGMA and BORKOVER are a group of legal entities with different taxation systems. We work with organizations that pay VAT, through our legal entity that is a VAT payer, and with other buyers-through our legal entity (IE) that operates on a simplified tax system. This tax optimization allows you to produce premium quality products and keep comfortable prices. If you need to get a certificate of state registration, taxpayer identification number, and other documents, contact the company's accounting Department.

Below are the details of the on-line store.

Full name
of the company:
Individual entrepreneur Parygin Pavel Alekseevich
Short name
of the company:
(IE) Parygin P A
Company`s tax ID: 744405794868
Main state registration number of an individual entrepreneur: 319470400021232
Registered legal address: 188689, Leningradskaya region, Vsevolzhskiy district Kudrovo, 3 Evropeyskiy Ave, apt. (office) 279
Postal address: 455099, Chelyabinsk region, Magnitogorsk City, 70 Lenin Ave, office 220
Phone number: +7 (495) 204-14-59
E-mails: - sport surfaces - metal equipment
Web sites:
Bank requisites: БИК 044525700
Р/с 40802810000000062866 в АО "РАЙФФАЙЗЕНБАНК",
К/с 30101810200000000700