
In may 2015, we ordered 75 pieces of FPE mats for the wrestling Mat. The order was received within the agreed time frame. The quality is good.
Kids and youth sports school of Akhtubinsk, Akhtubinsk City
O. A. Parygina-Director
19 сентября 2007 года МУ ДО "ДЮСШ № 6" оформила в компании "Борковер" заявку на трехцветный борцовский ковер, размером 12х12 метров, с креплением люверсы и матами плотностью 160. Рекомендуем компанию "Борковер" как надежного производителя борцовского ковра.
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Municipal school of additional sports education № 6, Magnitogorsk CIty
Rybakov A. Ya. - Director
In April 2015, Kronshtadsky Palace of youth placed an order in BORKOVER for a three-color 10×10m wrestling surface, mounting pockets. There are no complaints about the quality of the coating.
Отзыв о борцовском покрытии BORKOVER
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Kronshtadsky Palace of youth, Saint Petersburg
Zykova E. V.-Director
In March 2015, we ordered a 20x10 m tri-color coating with grommets. We are completely satisfied with the quality of the coating. We recommend BORKOVER to organizations and individuals as a reliable supplier of wrestling coverage.
Отзыв о борцовском ковре 20х10 м BORKOVER
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Feedback about project Victoria, Volgograd City
LLC "Victoria", Volgograd
Shefatova S. P. - Director
In December 2014, we ordered two three-color coverings for the wrestling Mat of non-standard size 11, 7x11m and 6x10m. After 20 days, we received our order. I confirm that the products manufactured by BORKOVER meet the stated quality. We recommend the company "BORKOVER" for the production and supply of wrestling Mats.
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Municipal school of additional sports education № 17, Yaroslavl City
Pakhomova, M. M. - Director
With this letter, we would like to Express our gratitude to the employees of BORKOVER production for the wrestling carpet made for our martial arts Palace.
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The team of MMA FOK "Krylia Sovetov" in Moscow, Kubinka 7 about the ADEGMA coating
FLC "wings of the Soviets", Moscow
Kurchatov, Ivan Sergeevich - Director
OLIMP Sport Complex expresses its gratitude to BORKOVER for manufacturing and in-time delivery of the wrestling Mat, which is well suited for training in freestyle wrestling and mixed martial arts. BORKOVER has proven itself as a reliable and professional partner. We are very happy.
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"OLIMP" Sport Complex, Volgograd City
IE Arstanov K. S
For the Russian Sambo championship held in Yekaterinburg from March 3 to March 7, 2017, - BORKOVER company has produced four wrestling mats. Carpets of good quality. The competition was successful. We wish success to your company!
Review about BORKOVER SAMBO mats
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Russian public organization of Sports "Sambo Federation of the Sverdlovsk region"
Alexander Alexandrovich Kakusha-Executive Director
Previously, we have already had the experience of working with BORKOVER-we ordered carpets for the Russian Sambo championship, which was held in Perm from March 7 to 12, 2012. The purchased carpets have passed the test of time, they are trained in Perm clubs, the carpets keep the load and do not loose the shape.
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Video from the competition Interview with Pavel Parygin for Russia TV channel

Interview with Pavel Parygin for Russia TV channel
Sambo Federation of the Perm region
V. D. Zubkov, Vice - President of the NGO "Federation of Sambo and judo of Perm Krai"