Kids and youth sports school of Akhtubinsk, Akhtubinsk City
O. A. Parygina-Director
Municipal school of additional sports education № 6, Magnitogorsk CIty
Rybakov A. Ya. - Director
Kronshtadsky Palace of youth, Saint Petersburg
Zykova E. V.-Director
LLC "Victoria", Volgograd
Shefatova S. P. - Director
Municipal school of additional sports education № 17, Yaroslavl City
Pakhomova, M. M. - Director
FLC "wings of the Soviets", Moscow
Kurchatov, Ivan Sergeevich - Director
"OLIMP" Sport Complex, Volgograd City
IE Arstanov K. S
Russian public organization of Sports "Sambo Federation of the Sverdlovsk region"
Alexander Alexandrovich Kakusha-Executive Director
Sambo Federation of the Perm region
V. D. Zubkov, Vice - President of the NGO "Federation of Sambo and judo of Perm Krai"